2021. május 31., hétfő

monastero Get Poseidon Greek Mythology Symbol Background without

monastero Get Poseidon Greek Mythology Symbol Background without. Poseidon's impact on greek mythology is enormous. Poseidon, in greek religion, god of the sea (and of water generally), earthquakes, and horses.


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symbol the son of poseidon!
symbol the son of poseidon! from i.pinimg.com
Poseidon was the god of the sea, earthquakes and horses. He is the older brother of zeus, and the younger brother of hades, and is one of the twelve olympians. These myths also had some more.

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He used this trident when he was angry and struck the ground with it.

Since he was the god of sea, he was accountable for all the events which took place in the ocean. Poseidon and mount olympus in greek mythology the principle greek gods, that included poseidon, were referred to as the twelve olympians and lived the symbol of the horse is because poseidon was believed to have created the first horse. The predecessor to poseidon was the titan oceanus. Greek mythology remains one of the most popular and epic mythologies in existence today.

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